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Environmental Dangers to Your Health

"Environmental Toxins Linked to Chronic Illnesses"

· Weakened Immune Systems
· Migraine Headaches
· Lack of Energy
· Heart Disease
· Allergies
· Liver and Kidney Disease
· Complexion Problems
· Poor Circulation
· Respiratory Problems
· Tired Fatigue Syndrome
· Arthritis
· Receptiveness to Colds & Flu
· Memory Loss
· Digestive Problems

These and dozens of other chronic and fatal illnesses people experience, in this country and around the world are often the result of toxins in our everyday environment.

It’s sad but true. Many of today’s chronic pains, illnesses and diseases are caused by the toxins, heavy metals and poisons that invade our bodies. They are everywhere in today’s world. It is virtually impossible to avoid exposure to the poisons and pollutants present in our air, water, food and soil. They originate in auto emissions, cigarette smoke, pesticides, industrial waste, chemicals in products we use in the home, food additives, our treated drinking water… the list goes on and on. Pesticides have been linked to breast cancer; paints and solvents have been linked to damaged nervous systems and liver disease. Hormones, antibiotics, preservatives and dyes used in food processing all can cause serious symptoms and side effects when they are allowed to accumulate in the body tissues. Consider the following facts:

· More than 69 million Americans live in communities with smog levels that exceed maximum national safety standards
· Many drinking water systems in the United States contain over 700 chemicals, including dangerously high levels of lead
· Municipal water systems are the repositories of millions of tons of chemicals, waste products, fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides, much of which finds its way into our food supply.
· Approximately 3,000 chemicals are intentionally added to our food, and close to 10,000 chemicals are used in the processing and storage of food items, in the form of solvents, emulsifiers and preservatives.
· Our bodies are unable to discard these toxic compounds fast enough to maintain anything near optimal levels of health. These toxins are stored in our tissues, and the levels keep increasing.
· It’s not surprising that in 1979 the Environmental Protection Agency declared that up to 20% of all deaths in the U.S. were caused by the harmful compounds found in the air we breath, the water we drink and the food we eat.

The BioGreen product line offers an exciting solution to many of these unnecessary exposures to toxins. Our home care and nutritional products provide a toxin-free environment in our homes and workplaces, detoxification and refortification of the body even at the cellular level, and at the same time help protect the health of those we care most about - all while making a contribution to protecting our precious resources.



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